Monday, August 27, 2012

Is Your Puppy Teething?

Your your puppy is chewing on everything in sight, he or she is probably getting teeth in. Just as with humans, this is hard to deal with and a bit painful. Chewing eases the pain quite a bit, which means a puppy teething can tear your home apart if you are not careful. Pups chew for different reasons as well, but the things you can do to change the behavior no matter why they are doing it are all pretty much the same. The trick is to understand what they are doing and why they do it so you can offer solutions and alternatives that leave everyone happy.

If you do not want your puppy teething on your new shoes, your couch, or the frame of your doorway, you have to give them something else that is going to feel good in their mouths. There are plenty of great ideas out there, but rawhide bones are one of the best things you can give them. Rawhide comes in many forms, but make sure you get something suitable for the size of your dog. Your tiny pup may look cut taking his puppy teething pain out on a huge bone, but that is just too much for him. Get him something more his size.

Puppy teething is not always about just getting in new teeth. It can lead to a lifetime of bad habits. You can do whatever you can to distract them when they feel the need to chew. When puppy teething goes unchecked, they are going to chew no matter what in the world upsets them. That means you could have a full grown dog that is going to chew up your house when you are away, when they are bored or lonely, or if they get stressed. That is not good for your home or your relationship with your dog. That is why taking care of teething issues correctly helps in more ways that you realize.

Crate training is an option, but should not be the only thing that you do for puppy teething. Crates are safe places for dogs to rest during the day while you are at work. Not everyone will do this with their dog, but it works for some situations. Make sure they have one big enough for their needs with water and food. If you can, walk them in the middle of your work shift or have someone else do it for you. Don't forget to give them rawhide for putty teething.

Not all chewing is going to be puppy teething. As mentioned, dogs can chew when left alone, when anxious, or if they are just plain bored. Rawhide can give them something to chew on so your leather shoes are spared, but they won't always make the right choice. Use positive reinforcement to direct your pup to something they are supposed to chew on rather than your new couch. Good lessons during puppy teething can translate into good lessons for a long and happy relationship with you.

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