The best indicator for predicting future behavior of dog owners is past behavior. People and conditions best avoided include:
1. People who have gotten rid of a dog because of "inconvenience" created by a behavior problem, moving, a change in family status (new child, divorce, etc.), excessive shedding, grooming requirements, etc.
2. People who complain about veterinary expenses, feeding costs, etc.
3. People who have never trained a pet.
4. People who kept former dogs outdoors, especially for "protection."
5. People who state that past pets became overly aggressive toward family members, outsiders or other dogs.
6. Families showing signs of friction relating to how the puppy is to be raised.
7. Assignment of feeding and care to one child in a multi-child household, or to a single child that is too young or too disinterested to care for the puppy.
8. Evident hostility between family members, whether or not related to raising of the puppy.
9. Signs of alcohol or drug abuse.
10. Unstable economic conditions.